Anthony and I talked about what day would be best for us and the date that we wanted was on a Tuesday, and WHO GETS MARRIED ON A TUESDAY? The date we wanted was Oct. 4, 2011 because that is my Grandparents wedding anniversary. That date has always been so special because my grandparents love and commitment to eachother has always been something I have looked up to and admired as well as wanted for my own marriage. My Grandma passed away 6 years ago and I miss her in my life so much and what better way to honor her and the foundation my grandparents built not only in their marriage but for our family. So with a little suggestion from my Mom, we will be going to the courthouse on Oct. 4th, 2011 to get Legally Married (that way our Wedding Anniversary will technically be Oct. 4th just like my Grandparents) and then we will get married the following saturday (OCT. 8th, 2011) We are so excited about our October Wedding. It shouldn't be too hot but it shouldn't be winter (RAINING) either. Now to plan the million other things that come along with gettin' hitched.