Aren't they cute? Super easy, small and a perfect little decoration filler for your tables, guest book table or anything you desire. So if you go to the link here It will take you directly to the Dollar Tree website for these exact vases, and you can order them in a case (12 vases = $12.00) I am sure their might be tax (depending on where you live) and maybe a shipping charge but I am not sure. BUT I GOT THEM FOR ONLY $1.00!!!!!!!!!! OH YEAH, my kind of Bargain!
The Penny Pincher Bride
Wednesday, March 30, 2011
I scored....ROYALY
Saturday, March 26, 2011
I am inspired......
AREN'T THESE SO CUTE?!?!? so basically its a cylinder vase that has been vamped up with Ribbon and then a Tissue Paper Pom Pom top with beads hanging down the middle of the vase. Now the question is do I really want to use the tissue paper or flowers, or fake flowers? But I thought these were so beautiful and exactly what I wanted for the centerpieces but exactly the kind of budget I wanted to stay in. I will keep in the look of the progress I am on with these and where I buy the supplies!
Let me know what you think of these?
Oh and you can find this by doing the same Yahoo Search I did by typing :Damask Centerpieces
Friday, March 25, 2011

Sunday, March 20, 2011
These (ABOVE) are the hot Pink Diamond Confetti that I purchased. LET ME TELL YOU...the Picture doesn't do them justice. They are little Diamond Shaped confetti that you can fill vases with, sprinkle on your tables, decorate around your centerpieces and let me tell you.....THE COLOR IS TRUE TO THE PICTURE. I was so worried about that, not seeing it first hand but the picture was exact and I was so happy with them. They carry different sized Diamonds and in all different colors (Just in case you aren't as obsessed with hot pink as I am LOL) Very reasonably priced. The sellers ebay store name is "DiamondPartyConfetti" and here is the link that will take you directly to the ebay store. I paid $6.95 for them and they were well worth it! But when I got my item shipped to me in the mail I got a flyer saying they had their own website OUTSIDE OF Ebay for those that don't shop Ebay. so here is the link to their DIRECT WEBSITE! Happy Shopping!!!!!!!!!!!! & even happier decorating!
Next purchase was my HOT PINK FEATHER HAIR CLIP. I also ordered this off of ebay and it actually was shipped to me from China (So the shipping took longer than anything, but it wasn't A SUPER LONG WAIT) but let me tell you....this was SO WORTH THE BUY! I am so happy with this I can't even tell you. This is SO me and I can't wait to wear this for my big day. Of course I have always pictured an "UP-DO" for my wedding or maybe a low bun with lots of curls so I would probably wear this hair clip in the back towards one side. This also was TRUE TO COLOR and I am in love with it as I have mentioned already 5 times LOL. here is the link to the online ebay shop that I purchased this hair clip from This hair clip was only....wait for it.....$6.90!!!!! SO WORTH THE PURCHASE!!!!!!!!!!!!
Happy Wedding Planning.....
Thursday, March 3, 2011

Sunday, February 20, 2011
Picking the Date....

Anthony and I talked about what day would be best for us and the date that we wanted was on a Tuesday, and WHO GETS MARRIED ON A TUESDAY? The date we wanted was Oct. 4, 2011 because that is my Grandparents wedding anniversary. That date has always been so special because my grandparents love and commitment to eachother has always been something I have looked up to and admired as well as wanted for my own marriage. My Grandma passed away 6 years ago and I miss her in my life so much and what better way to honor her and the foundation my grandparents built not only in their marriage but for our family. So with a little suggestion from my Mom, we will be going to the courthouse on Oct. 4th, 2011 to get Legally Married (that way our Wedding Anniversary will technically be Oct. 4th just like my Grandparents) and then we will get married the following saturday (OCT. 8th, 2011) We are so excited about our October Wedding. It shouldn't be too hot but it shouldn't be winter (RAINING) either. Now to plan the million other things that come along with gettin' hitched.
Monday, February 14, 2011
The Story

From that moment on it was a lot of him coming home on leave and me visiting San Diego (where he was stationed) then Anthony got orders that he had to go on Deployment to the Middle East. You know how there is a moment in everyones relationship where you just know if you can get through this one bump in the road that you can get through anything?.....WELL DEPLOYMENT WAS OUR MOMENT. After Anthony's 4 year's was up in the Navy he wanted to come home. So he came back home and we moved out together. A very trying part on our relationship due to the fact that we hadn't been together 24/7 before nor had we lived together so we sort of had a lot on our plate. We made it through getting to know eachother ALL OVER again...and here we are planning our October Wedding! When Anthony purposed it was Christmas Day. He had just given me my Pink Better Homes Cookbook that I wanted so deperately and I was just so consumed by looking at all the recipes that I didn't even notice all my family getting their camera's ready. He asked if everyone had another present to open? I, still with my head in the cookbook said "no" but never once looked up from the recipe I was reading.
When I still didn't get another present I decided to finally look up and there he was wanting to talk to me about something. So he sat next to me and described how and when he knew I was the right one (OBVIOUSLY REALLY NERVOUS) and then he got down on one knee and proposed. It was so cute and I was just so shocked and excited. So now you know a little bit more about our history as a couple, you can go along with me on my journey to plan the beginning of our Future.